Issue # 33 – Neural MT for Spoken Language Translation

11 Apr19

Issue # 33 – Neural MT for Spoken Language Translation

Author: Dr. Marco Turchi, Head of the Machine Translation group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK , Italy

This week, we have a guest post from Dr. Marco Turchi, head of the Machine Translation Group at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) in Italy. Marco and his team have a very strong pedigree in the field, and have been at the forefront of academic research into Neural MT. In this issue, Marco describes his recent work on spoken-language translation.


In this post, we take a look at spoken-language translation (SLT), a natural language processing (NLP) topic that aims at translating an audio speech in a source language into text in a different target language. A widely investigated topic, it is again receiving attention from the research community and big industrial players, thanks to the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution.

Why Spoken-Language Translation?

Nowadays, the amount of audiovisual content produced and consumed daily by users has reached unprecedented volumes. This steady growth is mainly due to two factors. The first one is the continuous request for new content from the users, which has generated an unprecedented flow of videos and an
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