Introduction to the Python Pyramid Framework



In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to use the Pyramid framework in Python. It is an open source web development framework which uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern and is based on Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). The Pyramid framework has a lot of useful add-on packages that make web development a lot more convenient. Some other popular alternatives for web development in Python include Django and Flask.


You need to have basic knowledge of HTML for this tutorial. If you do not have any prior experience with it, do not worry about it, you can still follow this tutorial and understand how Pyramid works, but to develop real world web applications you will have to go back and learn HTML.


Before we move on and see the code, let’s first understand WSGI and MVC.

WSGI is basically a standard which defines the way in which a Python based web application interacts with a server. It governs the process of sending requests to a server, and receiving responses from a server.

MVC is an architectural pattern

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