How to Plot Inline and With Qt – Matplotlib with IPython/Jupyter Notebooks



There are a number of different data visualization libraries for Python. Out of all of the libraries, however, Matplotlib is easily the most popular and widely used one. With Matplotlib you can create both simple and complex visualizations.

Jupyter notebooks are one of the most popular methods of sharing data science and data analysis projects, code, and visualization. Although you may know how to visualize data with Matplotlib, you may not know how to use Matplotlib in a Jupyter notebook.

In this article, we’ll be covering how to use an IPython notebook to plot Matplotlib plots inline.

It will also cover the purpose of the Matplotlib “inline” and “notebook” magic methods, which are used to set Matplotlib backends.

Setting Up IPython

Jupyter notebooks are Interactive, and if they let you share your work with other programmers and analysts in a reproducible format. Yet before you can



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