Gnosis-py includes a set of libraries to work with Ethereum and Gnosis projects

Gnosis-py includes a set of libraries to work with Ethereum and Gnosis projects:

  • EthereumClient, a wrapper over Web3 client including utilities to deal with ERC20/721 tokens and tracing.
  • Gnosis Safe classes and utilities.
  • Price oracles for Uniswap, Kyber…
  • Django serializers, models and utils.

Quick start

Just run pip install gnosis-py or add it to your requirements.txt

If you want django ethereum utils (models, serializers, filters…) you need to run pip install gnosis-py[django]

If you have issues building coincurve maybe you are missing some libraries

Ethereum utils


  • class EthereumClient (ethereum_node_url: str): Class to connect and do operations with a ethereum node. Uses web3 and raw rpc calls for things not supported in web3. Only http/https urls are suppored for the node url.

EthereumClient has some utils that improve a lot performance using Ethereum nodes, like




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