Examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL

The original repository is now located on my own git-server at https://git.goodcleanfun.de/tmeissner/cocotb_with_ghdl
It is mirrored to github with every push, so both should be in sync.

At the moment, this repo is in an early state and serves as a learning tool for me. So it contains a a lot of quirks and code which can be done much better by cocotb-professionals.

A collection of examples of using cocotb for functional verification of VHDL designs with GHDL.

This is a project with the purpose to learn using cocotb with GHDL. It is intended for my simple (and more complex in future) experiments with using the Python language instead of VHDL or SV to verify digital designs.

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