Examine the camera capabilities for V4l2 cameras

This is a graphical user interface over the v4l2-ctl command line tool. This program supports an upcoming JetsonHacks article and video.

Intended Spirit

This app is a simple software sketch built to support a demonstration. It is not fully featured, and certainly not production quality code, but you may find it useful for your own study and experimentation.

On the NVIDIA Jetson family of products, connected cameras generally stream through the V4L2 module. USB cameras go through the uvcvideo
module which interfaces with the v4l2 module. Cameras connected through the CSI/MIPI ports (Raspberry Pi camera, GMSL cameras for example) interface with the tegra-video module, which in turn interfaces with the v4l2 module.

Connected cameras show up as /dev/videoX (where X is the ID number) when connected with the proper drivers




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