EKS CDK Quick Start in Python


This Quick Start is a reference architecture and implementation of how you can use the Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to orchestrate the Elastic Kubernetes Serivce (EKS) to quickly deploy a more complete and “production ready” Kubernetes environment on AWS.

What does this Quick Start create for you:

  1. An appropriate VPC (/22 CDIR w/1024 IPs by default – though you can edit this in cluster-bootstrap/cdk.json) with public and private subnets across three availability zones.
    1. Alternatively, just flip create_new_vpc to False and then specify the name of your VPC under existing_vpc_name in cluster-bootstrap/cdk.json to use an existing VPC. CDK will automatically work out which subnets are public and which are private and deploy to the private ones.
      1. Note that if you do this you’ll also have to tag your




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