Develop and deploy applications with the Ionburst Cloud Python SDK

Ionburst SDK for Python

The Ionburst SDK for Python enables developers to easily integrate with Ionburst Cloud, building in ultra-secure and private object storage to their applications.

Getting Started


pip3 install ionburst-sdk-python
# OR
pip3 install ionburst-sdk-python --user


The Ionburst SDK can get its configuration (ionburst_id, ionburst_key, ionburst_uri) from the following three files.

If ionburst_id and ionburst_key are not specified by environment variable, they are obtained from the credentials file with information from the config.json file.

If ionburst_uri is not specified in Ionburst constructor, it’ll first check config.json, and then the credentials file.

Environment Variables


config.json file

  "Ionburst": {
    "Profile": "example",
    "IonburstUri": "",
    "TraceCredentialsFile": "OFF"

Credentials file





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