Create fulfillment webhooks for Dialogflow using Python


dialogflow-fulfillment is a package for Python that helps developers to create webhook services for Dialogflow.

The package provides an API for creating and manipulating response messages,output contexts and follow-up events in conversations.

A simple example

from dialogflow_fulfillment import QuickReplies, WebhookClient

# Define a custom handler function
def handler(agent: WebhookClient) -> None:
    This handler sends a text message along with a quick replies message
    back to Dialogflow, which uses the messages to build the final response
    to the user.
    agent.add('How are you feeling today?')
    agent.add(QuickReplies(quick_replies=['Happy :)', 'Sad :(']))

# Create an instance of the WebhookClient
agent = WebhookClient(request)

# Handle the request using the handler function

# Get the response
response = agent.response


The preferred way to install




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