Create 3d-printable STLs from satellite elevation data

Create 3d-printable STLs from satellite elevation data



mapa uses numpy and numba under the hood to crunch large amounts of data in little time.

1. Using the dem2stl cli

The dem2stl cli lets you create a 3d-printable STL file based on your tiff file. You can run a demo computation to get a feeling of how the output STL will look like:

If you have your tiff file ready, you may run something like

dem2stl --input your_file.tiff --output output.stl --model-size 200 --z-offset 3.0 --z-scale 1.5

For more details on the different options, check out the docs.

2. Using the mapa interactive map

If you don’t have a tiff




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