Concurrency in Python



Computing has evolved over time and more and more ways have come up to make computers run even faster. What if instead of executing a single instruction at a time, we can also execute several instructions at the same time? This would mean a significant increase in the performance of a system.

Through concurrency, we can achieve this and our Python programs will be able to handle even more requests at a single time, and over time leading to impressive performance gains.

In this article, we will discuss concurrency in the context of Python programming, the various forms it comes in and we will speed up a simple program in order to see the performance gains in practice.

What is Concurrency?

When two or more events are concurrent it means that they are happening at the same time. In real life, concurrency is common since a lot of things happen at the same time all the time. In computing, things are a bit different when it comes to concurrency.

In computing, concurrency is the execution of pieces of work or tasks by a computer at the same time. Normally, a computer executes a piece of work

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