Scanner to detect the Spring4Shell vulnerability on input URLs

Scanner to detect the Spring4Shell vulnerability on input URLs Note: Detection Script has been tested on applications deployed using Apache Tomcat Server Prerequisite’s python3 python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt Usage python3 –help usage: [-h] [–file FILE] –url URL [–debug] [–get] [–post] [–ver] options: -h, –help show this help message and exit –file FILE File containing Form Endpoints –url URL target Form Endpoints –debug Print errors –get Use Get Method –post Use Post Method –ver Perform    

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Full Central IoC scanner based on Loki

is a central IoC scanner based on Loki General Info This application Loki latest version and download it on all machines using a powershell script and run it then this app receives the respose from all machines and parse the feed in CSV form. Requirements Python +3.5 PyQT5 psutil pyparsing zipfile Fetch LOki Scanner download and extract the latest version on Loki and start HTTP server to deliver the executable (Loki) to all machines. Deploy Loki This step has ti […]

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Simple Malware Scanner written in python

Very basic malware Scanner by hash comparison Sometimes this can be needed when an incident response. If you found new or suspicious files when you do response, you want to check out where these files exist in systems. so then you may need like this tool. this is a demo version. not complete. you have to change and modify code and make it yours. Let me know if there are any changes required or additional features need it. # pip […]

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Python based Retail Inventory Scanner

A simple python program that connects to a PostgreSQL database every 6 hours. It scans the inventory for potential low stocks and sends an email, with a brief report to the specified receiving address. Pre-requisites Download and install the latest python version from here. Install PostgreSQL driver psycopg2 using the command pip install psycopg2 from the terminal. Install sendgrid using the command pip install sendgrid from the terminal. Install dotenv using the command pip install python-dotenv from the terminal. Run […]

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BBScan py3 With Python

This repository is forked from lijiejie/BBScan 1.5. I migrated the former python code to python3. The following description is the origin author’s readme. BBScan 是一个高并发漏洞扫描工具,可用于 高危漏洞爆发后,编写简单插件或规则,进行全网扫描 作为巡检组件,集成到已有漏洞扫描系统中 BBScan能够在1分钟内 对超过2万个IP地址进行指定端口发现,同时,进行漏洞验证。例如,Samba MS17010漏洞 对超过1000个网站进行HTTP服务发现(80/443),同时,请求某个指定URL,完成漏洞检测 BBScan is a super fast vulnerability scanner. A class B network (65534 hosts) could be scanned within 4 minutes (ex. Detect Samba MS17010) Up to find more than 1000 target’s web services and meanwhile, detect the vulnerability associated with a specified URL within one minute Install pip3 install -r […]

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对naabu的端口扫描结果,调用nmap进行指纹识别 需要root权限 ➜ sudo python3 -h usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT] please enter two parameters … optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -f FILE, –file FILE -o OUTPUT, –output OUTPUT ➜ sudo python3 -f naabu_result.txt -o nmap_result.csv 保存为csv格式的文件 ip port name product version extrainfo

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SE-MSCNN: A Lightweight Multi-scaled Fusion Network for Sleep Apnea Detection Using Single-Lead ECG Signals

Abstract Sleep apnea (SA) is a common sleep disorder that occurs during sleep and its symptom is the reduction or disappearance of respiratory airflow caused by upper airway collapse. The SA would cause a variety of diseases like diabetes, chronic kidney disease, depression, cardiovascular diseases, or even sudden death. Early detecting SA and intervention can help individuals to prevent malignant events induced by SA. In this study, we propose a multi-scaled fusion network named SE-MSCNN for SA detection based on […]

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Scan all java processes on your host to check weather it’s affected by log4j2 remote code execution

Log4j 漏洞本地检测脚本,扫描主机上所有java进程,检测是否引入了有漏洞的log4j-core jar包,是否可能遭到远程代码执行攻击(CVE-2021-45046)。上传扫描报告到指定的服务器。 Scan all java processes on your host to check weather it’s affected by log4j2 remote code execution(CVE-2021-45046), then upload the report to your api server. Works under python2.7 / 2.6 / 3.x, no extra lib required. 扫描逻辑 遍历主机上的java进程 遍历java进程打开的jar包 查找log4j-core-* jar包 递归解压其他 jar包,查找log4j-core-* jar包 在log4j-core jar包中,查找JndiLookup.class 找到JndiLookup.class后,根据其版本号 、jvm参数、OS环境变量、是否docker容器进程、k8s进程,输出是否存在漏洞,输出升级提示 上传扫描结果到指定的服务器 How It Works Find all java process on the host Find all jar files open by the java process Search for log4j-core-*.jar Recursively unzip other jar files,search for […]

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