Blockchain-Enabled IoT Sensor Framework that uses Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence

Arduino + Raspberry Pi + Unity3D + Cloud + Hyperledger Our Mission: Keep it simple, leave no one behind. Blockchain-Enabled Smart Sensor Framework using Augmented Reality. Blockchain-Enabled Smart Sensor Framework using Augmented Reality. Extended Realities for IoT. View Sensor data in 3D This project was built to help developers create extended realities that communicate with Arduino and require the security of blockchain decentralization. (__/)                                    /)__/) (=’ .’) / COLLABORATION (‘. ‘=) o(_(“)(“)                          (“)(“)_)o Instructions Connect Sensors to Unity3D […]

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A E-ink ticker that shows usefull information about bitcoin

bitcoin-ticker bitcoin-ticker is a E-ink ticker that shows usefull information about bitcoin. Due to the limited refresh lifetime, new information is currently shown every 5 minutes and whenever a new block arrives. Hardware I’m currently working on a 7.5 inch version with the following e-Paper: The config.ini needs the following settings when using the 7.5 inch: epd_type = 7in5_V2 orientation = 270 Usage Ticker view The Tickers the following information: Block height, Mean block intervall in minutes, Time Minimal Block […]

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A low power 1U Raspberry Pi cluster server for inexpensive colocation

Raspberry Pi 1U Server There are server colocation providers that allow hosting a 1U server for as low as $30/month, but there’s a catch: There are restrictions on power usage (1A @ 120v max, for example) because they’re expecting small and power-efficient network equipment like firewalls. This repo is about designing a server that fits within the 1U space and 1A @ 120v power constraint while maximizing computing power, storage, and value. GitHub    

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Homeautomation system created with Raspberry Pi 3 and Firebase

Homeautomation System – Raspberry Pi 3 Desenvolvido com Python, Flask e Firebase permite o controle remoto através da rede local e Internet. Itens necessários Raspberry Pi3 Relé 1 dispositivo para ser controlado (Usei uma lâmpada, mas pode ser qualquer outro) Jumpers Sensores (Se quiser melhorar ainda mais) Etapas 1. Conexõs físicas Faça um esquema no Fritzing para definir qual pino será usado em qual dispositivo. Como na figura: -O pino com conexão vermelha é o VCC, alimenta com 5V-O pino […]

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Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Smart Security Camera Security camera running OpenCV for object and motion detection. The camera will send email with image of any objects it detects. It also runs a server that provides web interface with live stream video. Informations about: Setup Installing Dependencies Saving email addresses Running the Program are available under the Functionality section. Functionality Email notifications You can specify receiver’s and sender’s email address though web interface: After detecting an object the camera will send an email […]

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Monorepo for my Raspberry Pi dashboard and GPS satellite listener

pi dashboard Monorepo for my Raspberry Pi dashboard and GPS satellite listener. It includes: a module system allows different features to be toggled on and off so you don’t need my exact hardware setup. It also allows multiple Pis to use the same server. :house: a Windows 98 themed dashboard. :satellite: view the list of visible GPS satellites from a GPS hardware device. :printer: receive printer messages to a POS58 compatible printer. :thermometer: live temperature/humidity collected from an AMxx compatible […]

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