Extensive collection of Python projects from PyPI, for Nix

Extensive collectionof Python projectsfrom the Python Packaging Index.That can be installed with the Nix package manager. Checkout the projects folder,each entry represents a project and its available versions. For example: Project: awscli and version: 1.20.31, or Project: requests and version 2.26.0 If you want to refer to the latest version available you can do it: Project: awscli and version latest, or Project: requests and version: latest If you want to only use the binaries of a projectyou can install them […]

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Fused multiply-add (with a single rounding) for Python

Fused multiply-add for Python. Fused multiply-add computes (x*y) + z with a single rounding. Useful for dotproducts, matrix multiplications, polynomial evaluations (e.g., with Horner’s rule),Newton’s method for evaluating functions, convolutions, artificial neural networks etc. Use as import pyfma out = pyfma.fma(3.0, 2.0, 1.0) # 3.0*2.0 + 1.0 = 7.0 Also works with NumPy inputs: import numpy import pyfma x = numpy.random.rand(3, 4, 5) y = numpy.random.rand(3, 4, 5) z = numpy.random.rand(3, 4, 5) out = pyfma.fma(x, y, z) Built with […]

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Python ctypes wrapper around SDL2

PySDL2 PySDL2 is a pure Python wrapper around the SDL2, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, and SDL2_gfx libraries. Instead of relying on C code, it uses the built-in ctypes module to interface with SDL2, and provides simple Python classes and wrappers for common SDL2 functionality. Installation PySDL2 is easy to install and integrate within your own projects. To install or update to the latest version, simply run one of the following commands in a terminal: # Install latest stable version from PyPI […]

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