Predicting Movie Genres using NLP – An Awesome Introduction to Multi-Label Classification

Introduction I was intrigued going through this amazing article on building a multi-label image classification model last week. The data scientist in me started exploring possibilities of transforming this idea into a Natural Language Processing (NLP) problem. That article showcases computer vision techniques to predict a movie’s genre. So I had to find a way to convert that problem statement into text-based data. Now, most NLP tutorials look at solving single-label classification challenges (when there’s only one label per observation). […]

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Build Your First Text Classification model using PyTorch

Overview Learn how to perform text classification using PyTorch Grasp the importance of Pack Padding feature Understand the key points involved while solving text classification Introduction I always turn to State of the Art architectures to make my first submission in data science hackathons. Implementing the State of the Art architectures has become quite easy thanks to deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow. These frameworks provide an easy way to implement complex model architectures and algorithms with […]

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Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts on Chennai Floods using Python

Introduction The best way to learn data science is to do data science. No second thought about it! One of the ways, I do this is continuously look for interesting work done by other community members. Once I understand the project, I do / improve the project on my own. Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to learn data science. As part of my search, I came across a study on sentiment analysis of Chennai Floods on Analytics Vidhya. […]

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Information Retrieval using word2vec based Vector Space Model

Overview Learn about Information Retrieval (IR), Vector Space Models (VSM), and Mean Average Precision (MAP) Create a project on Information Retrieval using word2vec based Vector Space Model   Introduction “Google it!”- Isn’t it something we say every day? Whenever we come across something that we don’t know about, we “Google it.” Google Search is a great tool that can be used for even finding a needle from a haystack. This generation absolutely relies on Google for answers to all kinds […]

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