Articles About Machine Learning

Best Resources for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 Classification is a predictive modeling problem that involves predicting a class label for a given example. It is generally assumed that the distribution of examples in the training dataset is even across all of the classes. In practice, this is rarely the case. Those classification predictive models where the distribution of examples across class labels is not equal (e.g. are skewed) are called “imbalanced classification.” Typically, a slight imbalance is not a problem and […]

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Develop an Intuition for Severely Skewed Class Distributions

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 An imbalanced classification problem is a problem that involves predicting a class label where the distribution of class labels in the training dataset is not equal. A challenge for beginners working with imbalanced classification problems is what a specific skewed class distribution means. For example, what is the difference and implication for a 1:10 vs. a 1:100 class ratio? Differences in the class distribution for an imbalanced classification problem will influence the choice of […]

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Standard Machine Learning Datasets for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 An imbalanced classification problem is a problem that involves predicting a class label where the distribution of class labels in the training dataset is skewed. Many real-world classification problems have an imbalanced class distribution, therefore it is important for machine learning practitioners to get familiar with working with these types of problems. In this tutorial, you will discover a suite of standard machine learning datasets for imbalanced classification. After completing this tutorial, you will […]

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Failure of Classification Accuracy for Imbalanced Class Distributions

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 Classification accuracy is a metric that summarizes the performance of a classification model as the number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions. It is easy to calculate and intuitive to understand, making it the most common metric used for evaluating classifier models. This intuition breaks down when the distribution of examples to classes is severely skewed. Intuitions developed by practitioners on balanced datasets, such as 99 percent representing a skillful […]

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How to Calculate Precision, Recall, and F-Measure for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on August 2, 2020 Classification accuracy is the total number of correct predictions divided by the total number of predictions made for a dataset. As a performance measure, accuracy is inappropriate for imbalanced classification problems. The main reason is that the overwhelming number of examples from the majority class (or classes) will overwhelm the number of examples in the minority class, meaning that even unskillful models can achieve accuracy scores of 90 percent, or 99 percent, depending on […]

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ROC Curves and Precision-Recall Curves for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on September 16, 2020 Most imbalanced classification problems involve two classes: a negative case with the majority of examples and a positive case with a minority of examples. Two diagnostic tools that help in the interpretation of binary (two-class) classification predictive models are ROC Curves and Precision-Recall curves. Plots from the curves can be created and used to understand the trade-off in performance for different threshold values when interpreting probabilistic predictions. Each plot can also be summarized with […]

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Tour of Evaluation Metrics for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 A classifier is only as good as the metric used to evaluate it. If you choose the wrong metric to evaluate your models, you are likely to choose a poor model, or in the worst case, be misled about the expected performance of your model. Choosing an appropriate metric is challenging generally in applied machine learning, but is particularly difficult for imbalanced classification problems. Firstly, because most of the standard metrics that are widely […]

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A Gentle Introduction to Probability Metrics for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on January 14, 2020 Classification predictive modeling involves predicting a class label for examples, although some problems require the prediction of a probability of class membership. For these problems, the crisp class labels are not required, and instead, the likelihood that each example belonging to each class is required and later interpreted. As such, small relative probabilities can carry a lot of meaning and specialized metrics are required to quantify the predicted probabilities. In this tutorial, you will […]

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How to Fix k-Fold Cross-Validation for Imbalanced Classification

Last Updated on July 31, 2020 Model evaluation involves using the available dataset to fit a model and estimate its performance when making predictions on unseen examples. It is a challenging problem as both the training dataset used to fit the model and the test set used to evaluate it must be sufficiently large and representative of the underlying problem so that the resulting estimate of model performance is not too optimistic or pessimistic. The two most common approaches used […]

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What Is the Naive Classifier for Each Imbalanced Classification Metric?

Last Updated on August 27, 2020 A common mistake made by beginners is to apply machine learning algorithms to a problem without establishing a performance baseline. A performance baseline provides a minimum score above which a model is considered to have skill on the dataset. It also provides a point of relative improvement for all models evaluated on the dataset. A baseline can be established using a naive classifier, such as predicting one class label for all examples in the […]

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