Create Natural Language Processing based Apps for iOS in Minutes! (using Apple’s Core ML 3)

Overview Intrigued by Apple’s iOS apps? Learn how to build Natural Language Processing (NLP) iOS apps in this article We’ll be using Apple’s Core ML 3 to build these NLP iOS apps This is a hands-on step by step tutorial with code   Introduction I love working in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) space. The last couple of years have been a goldmine for me – the level and quality of developments have been breathtaking. But this comes with its […]

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Extracting information from reports using Regular Expressions Library in Python

Introduction Many times it is necessary to extract key information from reports, articles, papers, etc. For example names of companies – prices from financial reports, names of judges – jurisdiction from court judgments, account numbers from customer complaints, etc. These extractions are part of Text Mining and are essential in converting unstructured data to a structured form which are later used for applying analytics/machine learning. Such entity extraction uses approaches like ‘lookup’, ‘rules’ and ‘statistical/machine learning’. In ‘lookup’ based approaches, […]

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Introduction to StanfordNLP: An Incredible State-of-the-Art NLP Library for 53 Languages (with Python code)

Introduction A common challenge I came across while learning Natural Language Processing (NLP) – can we build models for non-English languages? The answer has been no for quite a long time. Each language has its own grammatical patterns and linguistic nuances. And there just aren’t many datasets available in other languages. That’s where Stanford’s latest NLP library steps in – StanfordNLP. I could barely contain my excitement when I read the news last week. The authors claimed StanfordNLP could support more […]

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Introductory guide to Information Retrieval using kNN and KDTree

Introduction I love cricket as much as I love data science. A few years back (on 16 November 2013 to be precise), my favorite cricketer – Sachin Tendulkar retired from International Cricket. I spent that entire day reading articles and blogs about him on the web. By the end of the day, I had read close to 50 articles about him. Interestingly, while I was reading these articles – none of the websites suggested me articles outside of Sachin or cricket. […]

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spaCy Tutorial to Learn and Master Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Introduction spaCy is my go-to library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. I’d venture to say that’s the case for the majority of NLP experts out there! Among the plethora of NLP libraries these days, spaCy really does stand out on its own. If you’ve used spaCy for NLP, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. And if you’re new to the power of spaCy, you’re about to be enthralled by how multi-functional and flexible this library is. The factors […]

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FlashText – A library faster than Regular Expressions for NLP tasks

People like me working in the field of Natural Language Processing almost always come across the task of replacing words in a text. The reasons behind replacing the words may be different. Some of them are. “would’ve” and “would have” represent the same thing. So changing all the occurrences of “would’ve” to “would have” is one such task. Changing all Case Variations to a single form i.e Python, pytHon, pYthon, pythoN etc. to python Changing all the synonyms of a word to […]

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Get Started with PyTorch – Learn How to Build Quick & Accurate Neural Networks (with 4 Case Studies!)

Introduction PyTorch v TensorFlow – how many times have you seen this polarizing question pop up on social media? The rise of deep learning in recent times has been fuelled by the popularity of these frameworks. There are staunch supporters of both, but a clear winner has started to emerge in the last year. PyTorch was one of the most popular frameworks in 2018. It quickly became the preferred go-to deep learning framework among researchers in both academia and the […]

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Beginners Tutorial for Regular Expressions in Python

Importance of Regular Expressions In last few years, there has been a dramatic shift in usage of general purpose programming languages for data science and machine learning. This was not always the case – a decade back this thought would have met a lot of skeptic eyes! This means that more people / organizations are using tools like Python / JavaScript for solving their data needs. This is where Regular Expressions become super useful. Regular expressions are normally the default way […]

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How to Use Texthero to Prepare a Text-based Dataset for Your NLP Project

Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most important fields of study and research in today’s world. It has many applications in the business sector such as chatbots, sentiment analysis, and document classification. Preprocessing and representing text is one of the trickiest and most annoying parts of working on an NLP project. Text-based datasets can be incredibly thorny and difficult to preprocess. But fortunately, the latest Python package called Texthero can help you solve these challenges. What is […]

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