A webmining CLI tool & library for python

minet minet is a webmining command line tool & library for python (>= 3.6) that can be used to collect and extract data from a large variety of web sources such as raw webpages, Facebook, CrowdTangle, YouTube, Twitter, Media Cloud etc. It adopts a very simple approach to various webmining problems by letting you perform a variety of actions from the comfort of the command line. No database needed: raw CSV files should be sufficient to do most of the […]

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A pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool

PdpCLI PdpCLI is a pandas DataFrame processing CLI tool which enables you to build a pandas pipeline powered by pdpipe from a configuration file. You can also extend pipeline stages and data readers / writers by using your own python scripts. Features Process pandas DataFrame from CLI without wrting Python scripts Support multiple configuration file formats: YAML, JSON, Jsonnet Read / write data files in the following formats: CSV, TSV, JSON, JSONL, pickled DataFrame Import / export data with multiple […]

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Fish shell tool for managing Python virtual environments

VirtualFish VirtualFish is a Python virtual environment manager for the Fish shell. You can get started by reading the documentation. (It’s quite short… Promise!) You can also get help on #virtualfish on OFTC (ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/#virtualfish), the same network as the Fish IRC channel. VirtualFish is currently maintained by Justin Mayer, and was originally created by Leigh Brenecki. A quickstart, for the impatient Fish version 3.1 or higher is required. python -m pip install virtualfish vf install Add VirtualFish to your prompt […]

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Declarative CLIs with argparse and dataclasses

argparse_dataclass Declarative CLIs with argparse and dataclasses. Features Features marked with a ✓ are currently implemented; features marked with a ⊘ are not yet implemented. [✓] Positional arguments [✓] Boolean flags [✓] Integer, string, float, and other simple types as arguments [✓] Default values [✓] Arguments with a finite set of choices [⊘] Subcommands [⊘] Mutually exclusive groups Examples Using dataclass decorator >>> from argparse_dataclass import dataclass >>> @dataclass … class Options: … x: int = 42 … y: bool […]

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A simple tool to query the awesome ippsec.rocks website from terminal

ippsec-cli This a simple tool to query the awesome ippsec.rocks website from your terminal Installation and usage cd /opt git clone https://github.com/stark0de/ippsec-cli cd ippsec-cli pip3 install -r requirements.txt chmod +x ippsec-cli.py python3 -W ignore ippsec-cli.py Note: optionally you can go to /home/$USER/.bashrc and add this line so u can just launch it putting ippsec-cli in your terminal: vim /home/$USER/.bashrc alias ippsec-cli=”python3 -W ignore /opt/ippsec-cli/ippsec-cli.py” source /home/$USER/.bashrc Credits to @HexF_me, @Shell_ock and of course to the awesome Ippsec 😉 Note: I’ve […]

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Search wikipedia article on command line with python

Fetch Search wikipedia article on command line Fetch is use to get information about anything on the shell using Wikipedia. Why this? Fetch helps you to quickly look about anything and it is all possible with wikipidea webscrapping you can get full wikipedia article on the topic or you can also look at the introduction about the topic. Yes you can look about anything on your terminal no need of browser it makes your life easy. You can also search […]

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A Python based toolkit for creating Command-Line Interface app

Quo Quo is a Python based toolkit for writing Command-Line Interface(CLI) applications. Quo improves programmer’s productivity because it’s easy to use and supports auto completion which means less time will be spent debugging. Simple to code, easy to learn, and does not come with needless baggage Quo requires Python 3.6 or later. Installation You can install quo via the Python Package Index (PyPI) $ pip install -U quo Example 1 import quo quo.echo(‘Hello, World!’) Example 2 import quo quo.flair(f’Hello, World!’, […]

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Interact with Replit remotely with the Replit CLI

Replit CLI Interact with Replit remotely with the Replit CLI. pip install repl-cli Welcome to Replit CLI! With the Replit CLI Application, you can work with your repls locally, including clone, pull, and push, the core features of the CLI. The full list of features includes- PS C:> replit Usage: replit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]… Options: –install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Install completion for the specified shell. –show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh] Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation. –help Show […]

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Advanced extended command line tool for Django

mirage-django-lts mirage ~ ♪ extended django admin or manage.py command. Installing Mirage with Pipenv is recommended. pipenv install -d mirage-django-lts If you don’t use pipenv, you can install it with pip. pip install mirage-django-lts You can build this package manually. make before_node make build_all Usage: mg [action] option mg [action]:[subaction] option [Create Project] new Create a new Django project. new:react Create a new Django API project with React.js front-end. new:ng Create a new Django API project with Angular. –nebular Create […]

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Upgrade pip packages and automate Python Dependency Management

pipupgrade The missing command for pip. Features Updates system packages and local packages. Discovers packages present within multiple Python Environments. Updates packages mentioned within a requirements.txt file (Also pins up-to-date versions if mentioned). Smart requirements.txt detector. Pipfile support. Detects semantic version to avoid updates that break changes. Also ensures to avoidchild dependencies that break changes. View Dependency Graph. Parallel updates (blazingly fast). Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ compatible. Also pip 9+, pip 10+, pip 18+ and pip 19.0.1+ compatible. Automate […]

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