Analyze Big Sequence Alignments with PySpark in AWS EMR

This repo hosts my code for the article “Analyze Big Sequence Alignments with PySpark in AWS EMR”.

  1. Spark

  2. AWS CLI

  3. AWS Account

Follow the instruction in the article. Once you have uploaded the files into your S3 bucket, run

aws emr create-cluster --name "Spark_step_pip" 
    --release-label emr-6.5.0 
    --applications Name=Spark 
    --log-uri s3://[your_S3_bucket]/logs/ 
    --instance-type m5.xlarge 
    --instance-count 3 
    --bootstrap-actions Path=s3://[your_S3_bucket]/ 
    --use-default-roles --auto-terminate 
    --steps "Type=Spark,Name=SparkProgram,ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[--deploy-mode,cluster,--master,yarn,--py-files,s3://[your_S3_bucket]/,s3://[your_S3_bucket]/,s3://[your_S3_bucket]/test.sam,[your_S3_bucket],sankey.json]" 




To finish reading, please visit source site