Almost state of art text generation library with python

Text Gen

Text gen is a python library that allow you build a custom text generation model with ease smile Something sweet built with Tensorflow and Pytorch(coming soon)

How to use it

Install text-gen

pip install -U text-gen

import the library

from text_gen import ten_textgen as ttg

Load your data. your data must be in a text format.

Download the example data from the example folder

load data

data = 'rl.csv'
text = ttg.loaddata(data)

build our Model Architeture

pipeline = ttg.tentext(text)
seq_text = pipeline.sequence(padding_method = 'pre')
configg = pipeline.configmodel(seq_text, lstmlayer = 128, activation = 'softmax', dropout = 0.25)

train model

model_history = = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', batch = 300, metrics




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