AIML – A Language for Chatbots

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.

What is a Chatbot?

Chatbots are intelligent digital assistants which may address customer’s basic and predictable queries. They offer numerous services via chatting and perform basic customer service operations. Chatbots work 24/7 and hence they provide assistance when offices are closed on holidays.

There are a variety of synonyms for chatbot, including “talkbot,” “bot,” “IM bot,” “interactive agent” or “artificial conversation entity.“

Most organizations have already started implementing chatbots on their sites especially on banking, airlines, and e-commerce websites.

Some more samples of chatbot technology are virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Messaging apps, like WeChat and Facebook messenger.

Nowadays, chatbots are becoming more complex and advanced features like taking customer’s complaint, performing transactions by taking customer’s input, even alerting real human supported the query posted. Chatbots are getting context-aware and may engage end-users supported by the context set during the conversation.

So, welcome to the planet of Artificial Intelligence!! Today, we are




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