A2DP agent for promiscuous/permissive audio sinc

A2DP agent for promiscuous/permissive audio sinc for Linux. Once installed, a Bluetooth client, such as a smart phone, should be able to discover, pair, and subsequently play audio without any manual interaction. This is perfect for those with headless media boxes wanting to expand their connective options and saves explaining things to the kids 8)

This project assumes the use of PulseAudio and should be tested with PortAudio if required.

This project is heavily based on the Gist and comments at https://gist.github.com/mill1000/74c7473ee3b4a5b13f6325e9994ff84c#gistcomment-4032842

Caveats and roadmap

At this stage the Bluetooth device is hard coded, so please check that it matches your device. In the future such options should be set by a configuration fileā€¦

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