A wrapper for the Discord Python Pixels API

A simple wrapper around Python Discord Pixels.

Requires Python 3.7+ (3.x where x >= 7).

Requires pillow and aiohttp from pip.


import dpypx

# Create a client with your token.
client = dpypx.Client('my-auth-token')

# You can also set a save file to store ratelimit data between reboots.
client = dpypx.Client('my-auth-token', ratelimit_save_file='ratelimits.json')

# Download and save the canvas.
canvas = await client.get_canvas()

# And access pixels from it.
print(canvas[4, 10])

# Or just fetch specific pixels.
print(await client.get_pixel(4, 10))

# Draw a pixel.
await client.put_pixel(50, 10, 'cyan')
await client.put_pixel(1, 5, dpypx.Colour.BLURPLE)
await client.put_pixel(100, 4, '93FF00')
await client.put_pixel(44, 0, 0xFF0000)

# Swap two pixels.
await client.swap_pixels((55, 1), (50, 3))

# Close the connection.
await client.close()


Load an image:

from PIL import Image




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