A warp randomizer for pokeemerald

Randomizes the warps in a stock pokeemerald repo.

Usage Instructions

  • Install networkx and matplotlib via pip3 or similar.
  • Set POKEEMERALD environment variable to the path to your pokeemerald/ folder
  • Edit rand_idx at the top of the file to the seed to start searching from.
  • Ensure that the repo has not already been randomized, or the script will not work!
  • python3 randomizer.py
  • The script will search for randomized layouts which pass completability tests. This can take anywhere from a couple of minutes to an hour.
    • “Completable” is defined as a series of pathfinding routes from the first gym to the last gym to the Elite 4, including required story events and in-order. As such, it is highly likely that sequence breaks will allow faster completion. The




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