A unified and flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library


LibTraffic is a unified, flexible and comprehensive traffic prediction library, which provides researchers with a credibly experimental tool and a convenient development framework. Our library is implemented based on PyTorch, and includes all the necessary steps or components related to traffic prediction into a systematic pipeline.

LibTraffic currently supports the following tasks:

  • Traffic State Prediction
    • Traffic Flow Prediction
    • Traffic Speed Prediction
    • On-Demand Service Prediction
  • Trajectory Next-Location Prediction


  • Unified: LibTraffic builds a systematic pipeline to implement, use and evaluate traffic prediction models in a unified platform. We design basic spatial-temporal data storage, unified model instantiation interfaces, and standardized evaluation procedure.
  • Comprehensive: 42 models covering four traffic prediction tasks have been reproduced to form a comprehensive model warehouse. Meanwhile, LibTraffic collects 29 commonly used




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