A small project to provide machine parseable BSIMM version 12 framework data

This is a small project to provide machine parseable BSIMM (Building Security in Maturity Model) version 12 framework data (in JSON format).

Here is the tool I used to parse BSIMMv12 SSF data from bsimm.com.

Here is the BSIMM12 foundations document that contains the vertical tables. These are annoying to copy & paste (at least via my PDF reader). I double checked my work including running the two tests outlined in vert-check.py. Things seem to line up currently.

file descr
bsimm12.py This parses the data into JSON.
bsimm12.json This is the JSON representation.
bsimm12.psv This is a Pipe delimited file (suitable for excel import)
examples.py Demonstrates JSON import, some example ways to interact

BSIMM12 Licensing




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