A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. Work in progress


A python wrapper for the mangadex API V5. It uses the requests library and all the aditional arguments can ve viewed in the Official Mangadex Documentation


pip install mangadex
python setup.py install --user
>>> import mangadex
>>> api = mangadex.Api()

Getting the latest manga

This is called mangalist in the documentation

>>> manga_list = api.get_manga_list(limit = 1) #limits the query to return just one manga
>>> manga_list
Manga(id = 0001183c-2089-48e9-96b7-d48db5f1a611, title = {'en': 'Eight'}, altTitles = [{'en': '8 -Eight-'}, {'en': '8-エイト-'}, {'en': 'Eight'}, {'en': 'Eito'},
{'en': 'エイト'}],
description = {'en': 'Tokyo in the 90s, the city center has been suffering from a continuing depopulation. Also affected is the Udagawa Junior High School where only six people are left,




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