A Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit


PyKaldi is a Python scripting layer for the Kaldi speech recognition toolkit. It provides easy-to-use, low-overhead, first-class Python wrappers for the C++ code in Kaldi and OpenFst libraries. You can use PyKaldi to write Python code for things that would otherwise require writing C++ code such as calling low-level Kaldi functions, manipulating Kaldi and OpenFst objects in code or implementing new Kaldi tools.

You can think of Kaldi as a large box of legos that you can mix and match to build custom speech recognition solutions. The best way to think of PyKaldi is as a supplement, a sidekick if you will, to Kaldi. In fact, PyKaldi is at its best when it is used alongside Kaldi. To that end, replicating the functionality of myriad command-line tools, utility




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