A Python package that enables Python programmers of all levels to create GUIs


PySimpleGUI is a Python package that enables Python programmers of all levels to create GUIs. You specify your GUI window using a “layout” which contains widgets (they’re called “Elements” in PySimpleGUI). Your layout is used to create a window using one of the 4 supported frameworks to display and interact with your window. Supported frameworks include tkinter, Qt, WxPython, or Remi. The term “wrapper” is sometimes used for these kinds of packages.

Your PySimpleGUI code is simpler and shorter than writing directly using the underlying framework because PySimpleGUI implements much of the “boilerplate code” for you. Additionally, interfaces are simplified to require as little code as possible to get the desired result. Depending on the program and framework used, a PySimpleGUI program may require 1/2




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