A python package for managing terraform remote state for Google,AWS, and Azure

Terraform Remote State Manager

tf is a python package for managing terraform remote state for: Google(Gcloud), AWS, and Azure. It sets a defined structure for all cloud providers by removing the overheard of configuring and managing the path in storage buckets.

tf is a python package for managing terraform remote state for: Google(Gcloud), AWS, and Azure.
It sets a defined structure for all cloud providers by removing the overheard of configuring and managing the path in storage buckets.

It works with:

:point_right: Google Storage Bucket

:point_right: AWS S3

:point_right: Azure Storage

❗️ Note Best practice is to make sure buckets are versioned.

Install package

pip install tfremote --upgrade

Environment setup

python3 -m venv 

Default log level is WARNING, to change:





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