A python module that has the main focus to help estimate the Sound Absorption Coefficient


This is a package developed to be use to find the Sound Absorption Coefficient through some implemented models, like Biot-Allard, Johnson-Champoux and others. This project is in the alpha stage.


PyAbsorp runs under Linux, Windows and MacOS, a Python 3.8.10 installation is needed with the latest Numpy (1.20.3 or higher) , Scipy (1.6.3 or higher).
Matplotlib is recommended, but not necessary.

Implemented Models

  • Delany-Bazley (with Miki and Allard-Champoux variation)
  • Biot-Allard
  • Johnson-Champoux (with Allard and Lafarge variation)
  • Rayleigh

How to Install

  1. First make sure that you have the package setuptools installed.
  2. Install through pip, by using the following command:
    pip install git+https://github.com/Toktom/PyAbsorp

Future Objectives