A python library that generates random facts


Randfacts is a python library that generates random facts. You can use randfacts.get_fact() to return a random fun fact. Disclaimer: Facts are not guaranteed to be true.

randfacts can either be installed via pip or via the AUR, whichever way you prefer.

Installation via pip:

$ pip3 install randfacts

Installation via AUR:

$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/python-randfacts.git && cd python-randfacts
$ makepkg -si
import randfacts
x = randfacts.get_fact()

will print a random fact like:
Penguins can't taste sweet or savory flavors, only sour and salty ones

This package has a filter option to filter out potentially inappropriate facts. The filter is on by default. To disable the filter, you can just set the filter_enabled parameter to False.


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