A High-Performance Video Processing Python Library


VidGear is a High-Performance Video Processing Python Library that provides an easy-to-use, highly extensible, thoroughly optimised Multi-Threaded + Asyncio Framework on top of many state-of-the-art specialized libraries like OpenCV, FFmpeg, ZeroMQ, picamera, starlette, streamlink, pafy, pyscreenshot, aiortc and python-mss serving at its backend, and enable us to flexibly exploit their internal parameters and methods, while silently delivering robust error-handling and real-time performance fire

VidGear primarily focuses on simplicity, and thereby lets programmers and software developers to easily integrate and perform Complex Video Processing Tasks, in just a few lines of code.

The following functional block diagram clearly depicts the generalized functioning of VidGear APIs:



What is vidgear?

“VidGear is a High-Performance Framework that provides an one-stop Video-Processing solution for




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