A fast open-source simulator for poly-articulated systems


Jiminy is a fast and lightweight cross-platform open-source simulator for poly-articulated systems. It was built with two ideas in mind:

  • provide a fast yet physically accurate simulator for robotics research.

Jiminy is built around Pinocchio, an open-source fast and efficient kinematics and dynamics library. Jiminy thus uses minimal coordinates and Lagrangian dynamics to simulate an articulated system: this makes Jiminy as close as numerically possible to an analytical solution, without the risk of joint violation.

  • build an efficient and flexible platform for machine learning in robotics.

Beside a strong focus on performance to answer machine learning’s need for running computationally demanding distributed simulations, Jiminy offers convenience tools for learning via a dedicated module Gym-Jiminy. It is fully compliant with gym standard API and provides an highly customizable




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