A console application which takes an Anime name or URL and downloads the specified range of episodes


A console application written in Python3.x (GUI will be added soon) which takes a Anime Name/URL as input and downloads the range of episodes you specify.


Supported Platforms:

Instructions for Android:

pkg update
pkg install python git aria2
pip install requests bs4
cd /sdcard
git clone https://www.github.com/ali-sajjad-rizavi/super-anime-downloader
  • Everytime you need to download Anime episodes, you must open Termux and run these commands:
cd /sdcard/super-anime-downloader
python cli_downloader.py

Enter anime name or URL and set the episode range. Anime folder containing downloaded episodes
will be present inside “Internal Storage -> super-anime-downloader ->”.

Instructions for Windows:

python -m pip install requests bs4