A Comprehensive Learning Path to Understand and Master NLP in 2020


Google “NLP jobs” and a remarkable number of relevant searches show up. There are businesses spinning up around the world that cater exclusively to Natural Language Processing (NLP) roles! The industry demand for NLP experts has never been higher – and this is expected to increase exponentially in the next few years.

But the supply side of things is falling short. Freshers and even experienced folks who want to land an NLP based role are struggling to break into the industry. We can pinpoint one of the biggest pain areas – a lack of structured learning.

There are far too many resources these days that cover NLP concepts but the majority of these do so in a scattershot manner. Freshers tend to pour through articles and books, parse various blogs and videos, and end up struggling to piece together an end-to-end understanding.

This is where our NLP learning path comes in! We are thrilled to present a comprehensive and structured learning path to help you learn and master NLP from scratch in 2020!




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