A command-line program to download media on OnlyFans


A command-line program to download media, like posts, and more from creators on OnlyFans.


You can install this program by entering the following in your console:

pip install onlyfans-scraper


Before you can fully use it, you need to fill out some fields in a auth.json file. This file will be created for you when you run the program for the first time.

These are the fields:

    "auth": {
        "app-token": "33d57ade8c02dbc5a333db99ff9ae26a",
        "sess": "",
        "auth_id": "",
        "auth_uniq_": "",
        "user_agent": ""

It’s really not that bad. I’ll show you in the next sections how to get these bits of info.

Step One: Creating the ‘auth.json’ File

You first need to run the program in order for the auth.json file to




To finish reading, please visit source site