A CNN based image segmentation tool oriented to marine data analysis


TagLab was created to support the activity of annotation and extraction of statistical data from ortho-maps of benthic communities. The tool includes different types of CNN-based segmentation networks specially trained for agnostic (relative only to contours) or semantic (also related to species) recognition of corals.


TagLab allows to :

  • zoom and navigate a large map using (zoom/mouse wheel, pan/’Move’ tool selected + left button). With every other tool selected the pan is activated with ctrl + left button
  • segment coral instances in a semi-automatic way by simply clicks at the corals’ extremes. This is achieved using the Deep Extreme Cut network fine-tuned on coral images. Deep Extreme Cut original code : https://github.com/scaelles/DEXTR-PyTorch/
  • assign a class with the ‘Assign class’ tool. Area and perimeter are now




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