API to establish connection between server and client

API to establish connection between server and client, socket.socket() creates a socket object that supports the context manager type, so you can use it in a with statement. There’s no need to call s.close(), bind() is used to associate the socket with a specific network interface and port number, listen() enables a server to accept() connections, the client is pretty simple. It creates a socket object, connects to the server and calls s.sendall() to send its message, Lastly, it calls […]

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Modify the value and status of the records KoboToolbox

Modify the value and status of the records KoboToolbox. Modica el valor y status de los registros de KoboToolbox. Ante todo debes asegurarte de utilizar el servidor correcto en que se encuentra tu formulario, que puede ser: https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info o https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/ ¿Cómo obtener el asset de un formulario Kobo? Para obtener el código del asset para la URL: (forma más simple) – Abrir la tabla de Datos del formulario – Tomar en la barra de dirección el código antes de la […]

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Convert bitmap images to seeds for Tiny-83 NFT project

What is this? This tool allows you to convert any 14p high and 22p wide Bitmap (.bmp) to the seed needed for the Tiny-83 NFT project. Project Twitter: https://twitter.com/TINY83_nft Project Open Sea: https://opensea.io/collection/tiny-83 Minting Page: https://tiny-83.github.io/tiny-83/ My Twitter: https://twitter.com/shib_maximalist My Open Sea: https://opensea.io/shib_maximalist Usage Create an image with 22×14 pixels and save it as bitmap (.bmp). When you save it, set the coloer depth to 1-Bit. This way pixels will eithe rbe switched on or off (0|1). I used paint.net […]

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Paddle2.x version AI-Writer

用魔改 GPT 生成网文。Tuned GPT for novel generation. 原作者github地址:https://github.com/BlinkDL/AI-Writer |–AI-Writer.gif |–AI-Writer.jpg |–convert_pytorch2paddle.py # 转换pytorch权重代码 |–LICENSE |–print_project_tree.py # 打印项目树状结构 |–README.md |–run.py # 命令行运行 |–server.jpg |–server.py # 开启服务 |–model | |–model_state.pdparams # 转换好的paddle权重文件 | |–xuanhuan-2021-10-26.json |

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Out-of-Town Recommendation with Travel Intention Modeling (AAAI2021)

This is the official implementation of our AAAI’21 paper: Haoran Xin, Xinjiang Lu, Tong Xu, Hao Liu, Jingjing Gu, Dejing Dou, Hui Xiong, Out-of-Town Recommendation with Travel Intention Modeling, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’21), Online, 2021, 4529-4536. both PaddlePaddle and Pytorch versions are provided. PaddlePaddle: https://www.paddlepaddle.org.cn Pytorch: https://pytorch.org If you use our codes in your research, please cite: @inproceedings{xin2021out, title={Out-of-Town Recommendation with Travel Intention Modeling}, author={Xin, Haoran    

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Iris species predictor app is used to classify iris species created using python’s scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages

Iris Species Predictor Iris species predictor app is used to classify iris species using their sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width created using python’s scikit-learn, fastapi, numpy and joblib packages. Dataset Description:- This famous (Fisher’s or Anderson’s) iris data set gives the measurements in centimeters of the variables sepal length and width and petal    

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CVE-2021-22205& GitLab CE/EE RCE

Vuln Impact An issue has been discovered in GitLab CE/EE affecting all versions starting from 11.9. GitLab was not properly validating image files that were passed to a file parser which resulted in a remote command execution. Vuln Product Gitlab CE/EE < 13.10.3 Gitlab CE/EE < 13.9.6 Gitlab CE/EE < 13.8.8 Environment export GITLAB_HOME=/srv/gitlab sudo docker run --detach --hostname gitlab.example.com --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --name gitlab --restart always --volume $GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab    

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Fuzzing PDFs like its 1990s

This is the fuzzer I made to fuzz Preview on macOS and iOS like 8years back when I just started fuzzing things. Some disclosed vulnerabilities: CVE-2015-3723 CVE-2016-1737 CVE-2016-1740 CVE-2017-7031 The basic idea of this fuzzer was to mutate the streams of the pdf files without screwing the PDF Structure as a whole. I collected some hundreds of PDFs and converted the PDFs to Python script using Didier Stevens’s pdf-parser -g flag. The fuzzer uses cPDF that I modified to mutate […]

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A script that helps you understand why your E-Mail ended up in Spam

Whether you are trying to understand why a specific e-mail ended up in SPAM/Junk for your daily Administrative duties or for your Red-Team Phishing simulation purposes, this script is there for you to help! Idea arose while delivering a commercial Phishing Simulation exercises against MS Office365 E5 estate, equipped with MS Defender for Office365. As one can imagine, pretty tough security stack to work with from a phishing-simulation perspective.After digging manually through all these Office365 SMTP headers and trying to […]

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