A pytorch reprelication of the model-based reinforcement learning algorithm MBPO

mbpo_pytorch This is a re-implementation of the model-based RL algorithm MBPO in pytorch as described in the following paper: When to Trust Your Model: Model-Based Policy Optimization. This code is based on a previous paper in the NeurIPS reproducibility challenge that reproduces the result with a tensorflow ensemble model but shows a significant drop in performance with a pytorch ensemble model. This code re-implements the ensemble dynamics model with pytorch and closes the gap. Reproduced results The comparison are done […]

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Text Classification in Turkish Texts with Bert

Text_and_Audio_classification_with_Bert Text Classification in Turkish Texts with Bert. Project Interface Goal= Correctly guessing the classification of texts and audios BERT_Text_Classification It is a text classification task implementation transformers (by HuggingFace) with BERT. It contains several parts: –Data pre-processing –BERT tokenization and input formating –Train with BERT –Evaluation –Save and load saved model Text-classification-transformers Text classification tasks are most easily encountered in the area of natural language processing and can be used in various ways. However, the given data needs to […]

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A reinforcement library designed for pytorch

machin Machin is a reinforcement library designed for pytorch. Reinforcement learning library(framework) designed for PyTorch, implements DQN, DDPG, A2C, PPO, SAC, MADDPG, A3C, APEX, IMPALA … Features 1. Automatic Starting from version 0.4.0, Machin now supports automatic config generation, you can get a configurationthrough: python -m machin.auto generate –algo DQN –env openai_gym –output config.json And automatically launch the experiment with pytorch lightning: python -m machin.auto launch –config config.json 2. Readable Compared to other reinforcement learning libraries such as the famous […]

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A Python library for processing images of image-based spatial transcriptomics

starfish starfish: scalable pipelines for image-based transcriptomics starfish is a Python library for processing images of image-based spatial transcriptomics. It lets you build scalable pipelines that localize and quantify RNA transcripts in image data generated by any FISH method, from simple RNA single-molecule FISH to combinatorial barcoded assays. If you want to give it a try, the quick start tutorial will guide you from installation to running a pipeline in under 10 minutes. For more comprehensive instructions on how to […]

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A Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter You can use this tool to check the security

Vulnnr create a target list or select one target, scans then exploits, done!Vulnnr is a Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter You can use this tool to check the security by finding the vulnerability in your website or you can use this tool to Get Shells Offers LFI Scanners > Coming soon XSS Scanners > Working SQLI injection scanners > Working Domain Scanner > Using hackerone API/finds subdoamins CMS detector > Working Server detector > Working Common vulnerable files Scanner > […]

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Topic Modelling in Natural Language Processing

Introduction Natural language processing is the processing of languages used in the system that exists in the library of nltk where this is processed to cut, extract and transform to new data so that we get good insights into it. It uses only the languages that exist in the library because NLP-related things exist there itself so it cannot understand the things beyond what is present in it. If you do processing on another language then you have to add […]

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The hidden performance overhead of Python C extensions

Python is slow, and compiled languages like Rust, C, or C++ are fast. So when your application is too slow, rewriting some of your code in a compiled extension can seem like the natural approach to speeding things up. Unfortunately, compiled extensions are sometimes actually slower than the equivalent Python code. And even when they’re faster, the performance improvement might be far less than you’d imagine, due to hidden overhead caused by two factors: Function call overhead. Serialization/deserialization overhead. Let’s […]

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