16 Options To Get Started and Make Progress in Machine Learning and Data Science

Last Updated on August 16, 2020

You want to learn machine learning or data science.

You might want a job or the opportunity to get a job in machine learning or data science. Alternatively, you might be a student or in a data role and looking to accelerate your learning in the area.

If you think your only options are to get a PhD or to read an academic textbook, think again. This post is for you.

You have a lot of options when it comes to training and educational material. So many that you should take your time, make a short list of some options and even try a few before settling in.

In this post you will discover the vast number of options available to you and have enough information to choose a direction (or two) and take that next step in your journey.

Where You Fit, Getting Ready

You are looking for educational training in machine learning or data science.

You may have specific subject areas you want to get better at or know more about. What are they? Right them down.

You may have a preference for a specific learning style, like in-person, audio,
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