Python implementation of the enigma machine

Python implementation of the enigma machine This is a Python implementation of Prof. Mike Pound’s Java based project as featured on the Computerphile YouTube channel: To run the program from the command line use python This will initialize the enigma machine with default settings for you to test.To try out additional options, use python –help to get the full range of user configurable settings. As a basic example, you can set rotors, rotor positions, ring settings, reflector, […]

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This Script is Framework To automate IP process large scope For Bug Hunting

This Script is Framework To automate IP process large scope For Bug Hunting Tools : metabigor, mapcidr, nrich ,httpx what Framework Do : Get CIDR From CIDR Get IPs Scanning Open Ports in each IP and Find a related vulnerabilities Check a Live Host installation git clone cd IPscan chmod +x ./ Usage python3 -t domain GitHub View Github    

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A python script that can send notifications to your phone via SMS text

A python script that help you send text message to your phone oneof your desire discord channel have a new message. The project isbuilt through the use of Twilio and websocket Installation 1. Pip install requirements.txt 2. Run on your local machine/server Setup The only thing that you need to change in order for to runproperly is setting.json which will certain fields that you needto input. Sms Setting

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A small script to help me solve Wordle

A small script to help me solve Wordle because I’m that lazy. Warning: I didn’t write this to be efficient nor elegant at all, so you’ll probably have a hard time with the UI and the untidy code. I just thought I might as well save it to GitHub. Usages Clone/download the repo: git clone cd wordle-solver/src Install dependencies: pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt Launch the script: The script will give you an initial guess. If this word exists […]

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Set of scripts & tools for converting between numbers and major system encoded words

Set of scripts & tools for converting between numbers and major system encoded words. Uses phonetics instead of letters to convert, sorts by word frequency and indicates part of speech. For an explanation of the major system, check out the wikipedia page To learn the major system, check out my anki deck. (Github repository) msc.go CLI client for looking up words for a given number. Compile using go build, run using ./msc. Example: ./msc -d assets/major_system_lookup_250k.csv Results Resulting words are […]

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A simple Python script to display PiHole statistics on an eInk Display

This Python script outputs Pi-hole statistics on a 2.7″ e-ink display, and updates it periodically. Note: This is just a statistics display script, not the actual DNS Sinkhole. If you’re looking to set up a DNS sinkhole, check out the Pi-hole project page, totally unaffiliated with this script. The display I use is from WaveShare, and this script uses their library. (Instructions on how to install their library can be found in the previous link.) Configuring the script There are […]

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Lecture transcript question extraction

Setup virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt For the “Lecture Transcript Extractor” see the separate readme Formatting We use black Updateing DB rm db.sqlite3 rm -r seapanapp/migrations/ ./ makemigrations seapanapp ./ migrate python Generating files python python GitHub View Github    

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