Face recognition system using MTCNN, FACENET, SVM and FAST API to track participants of Big Brother Brasil in real time

Face recognition system using MTCNN, FACENET, SVM and FAST API to track participants of Big Brother Brasil in real time. Instalation Install dependencies using requirements.txt pip install -r requirements.txt Usage To use the project successfully, you need to follow the steps below. 1. Dataset It is needed to build a dataset through the dataset_generator.py script. This script builds a dataset with train and validation directories according by user labeling, using real time cam frames from reality show. On execute will […]

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Improving Face Recognition with Large AgeGaps by Learning to Distinguish Children

Inter-Prototype (BMVC 2021): Official Project Webpage This repository provides the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper: Improving Face Recognition with Large Age Gaps by Learning to Distinguish ChildrenJungsoo Lee* (KAIST AI), Jooyeol Yun* (KAIST AI), Sunghyun Park (KAIST AI),Yonggyu Kim (Korea Univ.), and Jaegul Choo (KAIST AI) (*: equal contribution)BMVC 2021 Paper: Arxiv Abstract:Despite the unprecedented improvement of face recognition, existing face recognition models still show considerably low performances in determining whether a pair of child and adult images […]

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OpenFace 2.2.0: a facial behavior analysis toolkit

Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in automatic facial behavior analysis and understanding. We present OpenFace – a tool intended for computer vision and machine learning researchers, affective computing community and people interested in building interactive applications based on facial behavior analysis. OpenFace is the first toolkit capable of facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation with available source code for both running and training the models. The computer […]

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Pretrained Pytorch face detection and facial recognition models

Face Recognition Using Pytorch This is a repository for Inception Resnet (V1) models in pytorch, pretrained on VGGFace2 and CASIA-Webface. Pytorch model weights were initialized using parameters ported from David Sandberg’s tensorflow facenet repo. Also included in this repo is an efficient pytorch implementation of MTCNN for face detection prior to inference. These models are also pretrained. To our knowledge, this is the fastest MTCNN implementation available. Quick start Install: # With pip: pip install facenet-pytorch # or clone this […]

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A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite

FaceIDLight A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite with MTCNN-Face-Detection and ArcFace-Face-Recognition. No need to install complete tensorflow, tflite-runtime is enough. All tools are using CPU only. 📘 Description A lightweight face-recognition toolbox and pipeline based on tensorflow-lite with MTCNN-Face-Detectionand ArcFace-Face-Recognition. No need to install complete tensorflow, tflite-runtime is enough. All tools areusing CPU only. Pull request are welcome! ⚡️ Features Online Face-Recognition Running completely on CPU Multi Faces ~4 FPS on a MacBookPro2015 Tools for Face-Detection, -Verification […]

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A standard evaluation metric to measure the accuracy and robustness of 3D face reconstruction methods

NoW Evaluation This is the official repository for evaluation on the NoW Benchmark Dataset. The goal of the NoW benchmark is to introduce a standard evaluation metric to measure the accuracy and robustness of 3D face reconstruction methods from a single image under variations in viewing angle, lighting, and common occlusions. Evaluation metric Given a single monocular image, the challenge consists of reconstructing a 3D face. Since the predicted meshes occur in different local coordinate systems, the reconstructed 3D mesh […]

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Benchmarks on Bias Faces in the Wild

Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias? Robinson, Joseph P., Gennady Livitz, Yann Henon, Can Qin, Yun Fu, and Samson Timoner. “Face recognition: too bias, or not too bias? ” In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, pp. 0-1. 2020. Balanced Faces in the Wild (BFW): Data, Code, Evaluations version: 0.4.5 (following Semantic Versioning Scheme– learn more here, https://semver.org) Intended to address problems of bias in facial recognition, we built BFW as a […]

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A real-time,high accuracy face detection

Yolov5-face Yolov5-face is a real-time,high accuracy face detection. Performance Single Scale Inference on VGA resolution(max side is equal to 640 and scale). Large family Method Backbone Easy Medium Hard #Params(M) #Flops(G) DSFD (CVPR19) ResNet152 94.29 91.47 71.39 120.06 259.55 RetinaFace (CVPR20) ResNet50 94.92 91.90 64.17 29.50 37.59 HAMBox (CVPR20) ResNet50 95.27 93.76 76.75 30.24 43.28 TinaFace (Arxiv20) ResNet50 95.61 94.25 81.43 37.98 172.95 SCRFD-34GF(Arxiv21) Bottleneck Res 96.06 94.92 85.29 9.80 34.13 SCRFD-10GF(Arxiv21) Basic Res 95.16 93.87 83.05 3.86 9.98 – […]

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Deep Face Detection Library in TensorFlow for Python

RetinaFace RetinaFace is the face detection module of insightface project. The original implementation is mainly based on mxnet. Then, its tensorflow based re-implementation is published by Stanislas Bertrand. This repo is heavily inspired from the study of Stanislas Bertrand. Its source code is simplified and it is transformed to pip compatible but the main structure of the reference model and its pre-trained weights are same. Installation The easiest way to install retinaface is to download it from pypi. pip install […]

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