A repository for a universal I/O spec for TAMP, along with scripts to convert from popular specs to our spec

A repository for a universal I/O spec for TAMP, along with scripts to convert from popular specs to our spec Installation Dependencies This repository requires Python 3.8+. We recommend you create a conda env or virtual env with an appropriate Python version before installing the other dependencies. If you are creating a virtual environment within the project directory, then you might want to call it one of .env, env, .venv, venv as the code checks have been configured to exclude […]

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Convert ISOs and archives into CD CHD for emulation

Convert ISOs and archives into CD CHD for emulation. If you use RetroArch or possibly any emulator that supports CHD files, then you might want to convert your ISO and CUE+BIN files to it. It is a compressed single file format. The helper tool chdman from the MAME tools can do that. And often the files are in archives, so they need to be extracted first in a temporary folder, which 7z does. No need for manual extraction, this script […]

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Converter image to ascii art with a beautiful interface

📝 Converter image to ascii art with a beautiful interface. Dependencies ⭐️ PyStyle🌙 PyWhatKit🎓 Flask Screenshots Interface: Before Image: After Image: Tutorial 1. Start the program with launch.bat.2. Get the file path: It should render something like this: C:Usersnameimage.png. Copy it and paste it in the cmd of the code.3. Write the name of the file.4. Enjoy your ascii image ! GitHub View Github    

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Tools to convert video files into ASCII art, and make self-contained playback executables

A few tools to convert video and images into ASCII art in an ANSI terminal. These tools support color output using the ANSI 256 color set, as well as the creation of a self-contained playback executable for video converted to text, with compression able to fit 4 minutes of 80 column 15 FPS video onto a single floppy disk! Check out this video for more information and to see sample output for video to text conversion. A sample image converted […]

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Mercury: easily convert Python notebook to web app and share with others

Mercury is a perfect tool to convert Python notebook to web app and share with non-programmers. You define interactive widgets for your notebook with the YAML header. Your users can change the widgets values, execute the notebook and save result (as html file). You can hide your code to not scare your (non-coding) collaborators. Easily deploy to any server. Mercury is dual-licensed. Looking for dedicated support, a commercial-friendly license, and more features? The Mercury Pro is for    

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Convert scikit-learn models to PyTorch modules

sk2torch converts scikit-learn models into PyTorch modules that can be tuned with backpropagation and even compiled as TorchScript. Problems solved by this project: scikit-learn cannot perform inference on a GPU. Models like SVMs have a lot to gain from fast GPU primitives, and converting the models to PyTorch gives immediate access to these primitives. While scikit-learn supports serialization through pickle, saved models are not reproducible across versions of the library. On the other hand, TorchScript provides a convenient, safe way […]

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Converts geometry node attributes to built-in attributes

Attribute Converter Simplifies converting attributes created by geometry nodes to built-in attributes like UVs or vertex colors, as a single click operation for all selected objects. Only compatible with blender versions 3.1.0 and above. The operation is destructive, as it requires Geometry Node modifier to be applied, so it is ideally used just before exporting. (if you know a way this can be somehow injected into the export pipeline so it runs automatically before export, please tell me!) Current limitations […]

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Convert whatsapp exported chat(without media) into a readable pdf format

convert whatsApp exported chat into a readable pdf format. convert without media chat Installation Use the package manager pip to install packages. $ git clone https://github.com/nishantssoni/Wats2PDF.git $ pip install -r requirements.txt Usage First place your whatsApp exported chat into your_exported_txt folder Screenshots Contributing Contributions are always welcome! hit me on Twitter GitHub View Github    

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How to build an Fahrenheit to Celsius Converter in Python

Generally to measure the temperature we make use of one of these two popular units i.e. Fahrenheit & Celsius. Converting one into another is usually boring and can be easily automated. Today we will be building a simple & short project which will convert Fahrenheit to Celsius for us in seconds. Contributing This is a personal learning project for me. Please feel free to fork this repo. Pull request to submit more programs. Feedback If you find any bug or […]

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