Syncio: asyncio, without await

asyncio can look very intimidating to newcomers, because of the async/await syntax. Evenexperienced programmers can get caught in the “async hell”, when awaiting a single async functionpropagates to the entire code base. Sometimes you wish you could call an async function justlike a regular function, whether running in an event loop or not. syncio is an attempt to make both worlds, asynchronous and synchronous, play better together.By decorating a function, be it async or not, with @sync, you don’t have […]

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RabbitMQ asynchronous connector library for Python with built in RPC support

bunny-storm RabbitMQ connector library for Python that is fully integrated with the aio-pika framework. Introduction BunnyStorm is here to simplify working with RabbitMQ while using aio-pika.This library offers an asynchronous implementation of a RabbitMQ connector which is fully integrated with asyncio.BunnyStorm provides an all-in-one adapter with the following functionalities: publish – Publish a message. receive – Consume messages from a queue. Can automatically reply to desired routes if the received messagecontains a “reply_to” property. rpc – Implement RPC (Remote procedure […]

Read more An async library to interact with the api

An async library to interact with the api. This library will be focused on making bots and i will not implement anything only for user accounts. Support server: Documentation is here Example More examples in the examples folder import revolt import asyncio import aiohttp class Client(revolt.Client): async def on_message(self, message: revolt.Message): if message.content == “hello”: await“hi how are you”) async def main():    

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Asyncio client for Deta Cloud in python

Unofficial client for Deta Clound Install Supported functionality Deta Base Deta Drive Decorator for cron tasks Examples import asyncio from aiodeta import Deta DETA_PROJECT_KEY = “xxx_yyy” async def go(): db_name = “users” # Initialize Deta client deta = Deta(DETA_PROJECT_KEY) # Initialize Deta Base client base = deta.Base(db_name)

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XKNX – An Asynchronous KNX Library Written in Python

Documentation See documentation at: Help We need your help for testing and improving XKNX. For questions, feature requests, bug reports either join the XKNX chat on Discord or write an email. Development You will need at least Python 3.8 in order to use XKNX. Setting up your local environment: Install requirements: pip install -r requirements/testing.txt Install pre-commit hook: pre-commit install Home-Assistant Plugin XKNX contains a plugin for the Home Assistant automation platform Example “””Example for switching a light on […]

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Fully asynchronous API wrapper

Fully asynchronous API wrapper Installation You can install the stable version from PyPI: $ pip install aiomoe Or get it from github: $ pip install Usage Get info about your account import asyncio from aiomoe import AioMoe tm = AioMoe() # or AioMoe(token=”xxxxxxxx”) async def main(): me = await print(me) print(f”Used quota: {me.quota_used}/{me.quota}”) The output will be like this: User(error=None, id=’your ip’, priority=0, concurrency=1, quota=1000, quota_used=0) Used quota: 0/1000 Search anime import asyncio from aiomoe import […]

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Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python

QvaPay client for Python Asynchronous and also synchronous non-official QvaPay client for asyncio and Python language. This library is still under development, the interface could be changed. Features Response models with type hints annotated fully (Also internal code have type hints annotated fully) thank you to Python’s type hints (or annotations) and pydantic Asynchronous and synchronous behavior thank you to httpx Coverage 100% Project collaborative and open source GitHub    

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A Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications

aioprometheus aioprometheus is a Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications. It provides metrics collection and serving capabilities, supports multiple data formats and pushing metrics to a gateway. The project documentation can be found on ReadTheDocs. Install $ pip install aioprometheus A Prometheus Push Gateway client and ASGI service are also included, but their dependencies are not installed by default. You can install them alongside aioprometheus by running: $ pip install aioprometheus[aiohttp] Prometheus 2.0 removed support for the binary protocol, […]

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An Asynchronous Python object-document mapper for MongoDB

beanie Beanie – is an Asynchronous Python object-document mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, based on Motor and Pydantic. When using Beanie each database collection has a corresponding Document that is used to interact with that collection. In addition to retrieving data, Beanie allows you to add, update, or delete documents from the collection as well. Beanie saves you time by removing boiler-plate code and it helps you focus on the parts of your app that actually matter. Data and schema migrations […]

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gmqtt: Python async MQTT client implementation

gmqtt gmqtt: Python async MQTT client implementation. Installation The latest stable version is available in the Python Package Index (PyPi) and can be installed using pip3 install gmqtt Usage Getting Started Here is a very simple example that subscribes to the broker TOPIC topic and prints out the resulting messages: import asyncio import os import signal import time from gmqtt import Client as MQTTClient # gmqtt also compatibility with uvloop import uvloop asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(uvloop.EventLoopPolicy()) STOP = asyncio.Event() def on_connect(client, flags, rc, […]

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