Transfer Learning for NLP: Fine-Tuning BERT for Text Classification

Introduction With the advancement in deep learning, neural network architectures like recurrent neural networks (RNN and LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) have shown a decent improvement in performance in solving several Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks like text classification, language modeling, machine translation, etc. However, this performance of deep learning models in NLP pales in comparison to the performance of deep learning in Computer Vision. One of the main reasons for this slow progress could be the lack of […]

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Build Your First Text Classification model using PyTorch

Overview Learn how to perform text classification using PyTorch Grasp the importance of Pack Padding feature Understand the key points involved while solving text classification Introduction I always turn to State of the Art architectures to make my first submission in data science hackathons. Implementing the State of the Art architectures has become quite easy thanks to deep learning frameworks such as PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow. These frameworks provide an easy way to implement complex model architectures and algorithms with […]

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Top 10 Applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Introduction Natural Language Processing is among the hottest topic in the field of data science. Companies are putting tons of money into research in this field. Everyone is trying to understand Natural Language Processing and its applications to make a career around it. Every business out there wants to integrate it into their business somehow. Do you know why?   Because just in a few years’ time span, natural language processing has evolved into something so powerful and impactful, which […]

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Modern Methods for Text Generation

Synthetic text generation is challenging and has limited success. Recently, a new architecture, called Transformers, allow machine learning models to understand better sequential data, such as translation or summarization… BERT and GPT-2, using Transformers in their cores, have shown a great performance in tasks such as text classification, translation and NLI tasks. In this article, we analyse both algorithms and compare their output quality in text generation tasks. (read more) PDF Abstract Visit source site

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