Embedded Python: Build a Game on the BBC micro:bit

Writing code that runs in the terminal or in your web browser is good fun. Writing code that affects the real world, however, can be satisfying on a whole other level. Writing this sort of code is called embedded development, and Python is making it more accessible than ever! This tutorial contains code snippets that allow you to build a simple game on the BBC micro:bit. To access the full code and get a sneak preview on what you’ll be […]

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Build a Platform Game in Python With Arcade

For many video game players, the lure of writing games is a prime reason to learn computer programming. However, building a 2D platform game such as Lode Runner, Pitfall!, or Super Mario Bros. without proper tools or guidance can leave you frustrated. Fortunately, the Python arcade library makes creating a 2D game in Python accessible for many programmers! If you haven’t already heard about it, the arcade library is a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and […]

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