Plotting the Training and Validation Loss Curves for the Transformer Model

from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam from tensorflow.keras.optimizers.schedules import LearningRateSchedule from tensorflow.keras.metrics import Mean from tensorflow import data, train, math, reduce_sum, cast, equal, argmax, float32, GradientTape, function from keras.losses import sparse_categorical_crossentropy from model import TransformerModel from prepare_dataset import PrepareDataset from

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Inferencing the Transformer Model

We have seen how to train the Transformer model on a dataset of English and German sentence pairs and how to plot the training and validation loss curves to diagnose the model’s learning performance and decide at which epoch to run inference on the trained model. We are now ready to run inference on the trained Transformer model to translate an input sentence. In this tutorial, you will discover how to run inference on the trained Transformer model for neural […]

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A Brief Introduction to BERT

As we learned what a Transformer is and how we might train the Transformer model, we notice that it is a great tool to make a computer understand human language. However, the Transformer was originally designed as a model to translate one language to another. If we repurpose it for a different task, we would likely need to retrain the whole model from scratch. Given the time it takes to train a Transformer model is enormous, we would like to […]

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Building Transformer Models with Attention Crash Course. Build a Neural Machine Translator in 12 Days

Transformer is a recent breakthrough in neural machine translation. Natural languages are complicated. A word in one language can be translated into multiple words in another, depending on the context. But what exactly a context is, and how you can teach the computer to understand the context was a big problem to solve. The invention of the attention mechanism solved the problem of how to encode a context into a word, or in other words, how you can present a […]

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