Research Forum Episode 2: Transforming health care and the natural sciences, AI and society, and the evolution of foundational AI technologies

Research advances are driving real-world impact faster than ever. Recent developments in AI are reshaping the way people live, work, and think. In the latest episode of Microsoft Research Forum (opens in new tab), we explore how AI is transforming health care and the natural sciences, the intersection of AI and society, and the continuing evolution of foundational AI technologies.  Below is a brief recap of the event, including select quotes from the presentations. Full replays of each session and […]

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Build an LLM RAG Chatbot With LangChain

You’ve likely interacted with large language models (LLMs), like the ones behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and experienced their remarkable ability to answer questions, summarize documents, write code, and much more. While LLMs are remarkable by themselves, with a little programming knowledge, you can leverage libraries like LangChain to create your own LLM-powered chatbots that can do just about anything. In an enterprise setting, one of the most popular ways to create an LLM-powered chatbot is through retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). When you […]

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Research Focus: Week of March 4, 2024

Welcome to Research Focus, a series of blog posts that highlights notable publications, events, code/datasets, new hires and other milestones from across the research community at Microsoft. NEW RESEARCH Generative Kaleidoscopic Networks Neural networks are deep learning models that can be trained to learn complex patterns and relationships within data. In a recent paper: Generative Kaleidoscopic Networks, researchers from Microsoft detail how they discovered an “over-generalization” phenomenon, which indicates that the neural networks tend to  

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Creating Asynchronous Tasks With Celery and Django

You’ve built a shiny Django app and want to release it to the public, but you’re worried about time-intensive tasks that are part of your app’s workflow. You don’t want your users to have a negative experience navigating your app. You can integrate Celery to help with that. Celery is a distributed task queue for UNIX systems. It allows you to offload work from your Python app. Once you integrate Celery into your app, you can send time-intensive tasks to […]

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Orca-Math: Demonstrating the potential of SLMs with model specialization

Our work on Orca and Orca 2 demonstrated the power of improved training signals and methods to enhance the reasoning abilities of smaller language models, getting closer to the levels found in much larger language models. Orca-Math is another step in this direction, where we explore the capabilities of small language models (SLMs) when specialized in a certain area, in this case solving grade school math problems, which has long been recognized as a complex task for SLMs. Orca-Math  

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Python’s __all__: Packages, Modules, and Wildcard Imports

Python has something called wildcard imports, which look like from module import *. This type of import allows you to quickly get all the objects from a module into your namespace. However, using this import on a package can be confusing because it’s not clear what you want to import: subpackages, modules, objects? Python has the __all__ variable to work around this issue. The __all__ variable is a list of strings where each string represents the name of a variable, […]

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Jevons Paradox doesn’t always apply to software

When it comes to fighting climate change, I strongly believe that getting involved in politics is one of the most useful things you can do. But given how energy-intensive software is these days, writing more efficient software also seems worth doing, especially if your software is used at scale. However, whenever efficiency is brought up, Jevons Paradox rears its head. Writing in the 19th century, Jevons pointed out that increased efficiency in the use of coal didn’t decrease the amount […]

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Spotting the Exception: Classical Methods for Outlier Detection in Data Science

Outliers are unique in that they often don’t play by the rules. These data points, which significantly differ from the rest, can skew your analyses and make your predictive models less accurate. Although detecting outliers is critical, there is no universally agreed-upon method for doing so. While some advanced techniques like machine learning offer solutions, in this post, we will focus on the foundational Data Science methods that have been in use for decades. Let’s get started. Spotting the Exception: […]

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Abstracts: February 29, 2024

LEV TANKELEVITCH: Thanks for having me.  HUIZINGA: So in just a couple sentences—a metacognitive elevator pitch, if you will—tell us about the issue or problem your paper addresses and, more importantly, why we should care about it.  TANKELEVITCH: Sure. So as generative AI has, sort of, rolled out over the last year or two, we’ve seen some user studies come out, and as we read these studies, we noticed there are a lot of challenges that people face with these […]

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