How to Control Neural Network Model Capacity With Nodes and Layers

Last Updated on August 25, 2020 The capacity of a deep learning neural network model controls the scope of the types of mapping functions that it is able to learn. A model with too little capacity cannot learn the training dataset meaning it will underfit, whereas a model with too much capacity may memorize the training dataset, meaning it will overfit or may get stuck or lost during the optimization process. The capacity of a neural network model is defined […]

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A Gentle Introduction to the Challenge of Training Deep Learning Neural Network Models

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 Deep learning neural networks learn a mapping function from inputs to outputs. This is achieved by updating the weights of the network in response to the errors the model makes on the training dataset. Updates are made to continually reduce this error until either a good enough model is found or the learning process gets stuck and stops. The process of training neural networks is the most challenging part of using the technique in […]

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How to Get Better Deep Learning Results (7-Day Mini-Course)

Last Updated on January 8, 2020 Better Deep Learning Neural Networks Crash Course. Get Better Performance From Your Deep Learning Models in 7 Days. Configuring neural network models is often referred to as a “dark art.” This is because there are no hard and fast rules for configuring a network for a given problem. We cannot analytically calculate the optimal model type or model configuration for a given dataset. Fortunately, there are techniques that are known to address specific issues […]

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Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade Review

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 Deep learning neural networks are challenging to configure and train. There are decades of tips and tricks spread across hundreds of research papers, source code, and in the heads of academics and practitioners. The book “Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade” originally published in 1998 and updated in 2012 at the cusp of the deep learning renaissance ties together the disparate tips and tricks into a single volume. It includes advice that is required […]

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8 Tricks for Configuring Backpropagation to Train Better Neural Networks

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 Neural network models are trained using stochastic gradient descent and model weights are updated using the backpropagation algorithm. The optimization solved by training a neural network model is very challenging and although these algorithms are widely used because they perform so well in practice, there are no guarantees that they will converge to a good model in a timely manner. The challenge of training neural networks really comes down to the challenge of configuring […]

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Recommendations for Deep Learning Neural Network Practitioners

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 Deep learning neural networks are relatively straightforward to define and train given the wide adoption of open source libraries. Nevertheless, neural networks remain challenging to configure and train. In his 2012 paper titled “Practical Recommendations for Gradient-Based Training of Deep Architectures” published as a preprint and a chapter of the popular 2012 book “Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade,” Yoshua Bengio, one of the fathers of the field of deep learning, provides practical recommendations […]

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How to Fix FutureWarning Messages in scikit-learn

Last Updated on August 21, 2019 Upcoming changes to the scikit-learn library for machine learning are reported through the use of FutureWarning messages when the code is run. Warning messages can be confusing to beginners as it looks like there is a problem with the code or that they have done something wrong. Warning messages are also not good for operational code as they can obscure errors and program output. There are many ways to handle a warning message, including […]

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How to use Learning Curves to Diagnose Machine Learning Model Performance

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 A learning curve is a plot of model learning performance over experience or time. Learning curves are a widely used diagnostic tool in machine learning for algorithms that learn from a training dataset incrementally. The model can be evaluated on the training dataset and on a hold out validation dataset after each update during training and plots of the measured performance can created to show learning curves. Reviewing learning curves of models during training […]

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Why Training a Neural Network Is Hard

Last Updated on August 6, 2019 Or, Why Stochastic Gradient Descent Is Used to Train Neural Networks. Fitting a neural network involves using a training dataset to update the model weights to create a good mapping of inputs to outputs. This training process is solved using an optimization algorithm that searches through a space of possible values for the neural network model weights for a set of weights that results in good performance on the training dataset. In this post, […]

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What is a Hypothesis in Machine Learning?

Last Updated on September 4, 2020 Supervised machine learning is often described as the problem of approximating a target function that maps inputs to outputs. This description is characterized as searching through and evaluating candidate hypothesis from hypothesis spaces. The discussion of hypotheses in machine learning can be confusing for a beginner, especially when “hypothesis” has a distinct, but related meaning in statistics (e.g. statistical hypothesis testing) and more broadly in science (e.g. scientific hypothesis). In this post, you will […]

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